WhatsNew Service Pack 1 for Artica 4.50.000000
- New HaCluster and Cluster V2 version
- Possibility to disable the Error accessing the Internet via proxy notification
- Prometheus Exporter for the reverse-proxy service
- Possibility to disable USB devices
- revived SMTP real-time logs feature for Artica SMTP on Debian 12
- Possibility to extract events from reverse-proxy legal logs
- InstantLDAPBackup feature for fixing a potentially corrupted OpenLDAP database
- support of systemd-networkd for modern distributions
- Possibility to associates a in-memory database with DNS Cache service
- Possibility to use Multiple Service Principal Names in Active Directory Kerberos Proxy authentication.
- Possibility to enable the VMI Watchdog for monitoring system hangs
- Possibility to detach DNS forwarders from the system for foreign domains in DNS Cache service
- Possibility to Instruct browsers to cache certain elements locally using the reverse-proxy service
- Possibility to set Transmit queue length parameter for a network interface
- Improve status of the Webfiltering Proxy connectors
- Web-filtering Rule status if it is in production or not in the rules main table
- Specific secure Firewall rules for local Proxy service
- Possibility to filter Web-filtering events by IP address and/or categories
- Possibility to use GeoIP Maxmind in firewall rules
- Possibility to replicate Maxmind GeoIP databases accross multiple Artica servers
- Possibility to create mirror rules to target address in the Artica Firewall
- More IDS rules when updating
- Automatic watchdog for the “GENSEC login failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE” error when using NTLM.
- possibility to send all traffic to a remote address
- possibility to query domains under Newly registered domains database
- Fingerprinting Web Access feature for the Artica Web console
- Debian 12 support
- New feature Persistent network interfaces
- Fix: for the CVE-2024-6387: OpenSSH regreSSHion RCE
- Possibility to move all log directories to an another location.
- DNSTAP support for LogSink
- EDNS support when using Artica DNS Cache service in backends and Front-ends
- MicroDHCP service status, leases and events
- New bell notification when a new DNS Cache version is available.
- Possibility to enable DoH service for the DNSBL/RBL service
- Possibility to enable a Dedicated service for query DoH Cloudflare
- Possibility to populate Firewall rules from the DNS Firewall
- Possibility to enable/disable the Proxy Acls Active Directory groups recursive search
- Cache Exclusions rules for the reverse-proxy engine.
- When creating server certificate, process take care if an IP address is added in domains.
- New Process for reconfiguring Proxy ports
- Possibility to manage VLAN interfaces via REST API
- Possibility to reboot the system via REST API
- Possibility to create a dedicated Proxy instance section for debugging
- New Feature: Artica Windows DNS Agent
- Possibility to deny artica to build network configuration
- new service for Reverse-Proxy “DoH Gateway”
- Possibility to define an outgoing interface for the Reverse-proxy service
- Possibility to setup specific DNS servers for the reverse-Proxy
- More options for the Reverse-proxy backends keep Alive feature
- Improve the Reverse-proxy backend load-balancing feature
- Manage PowerDNS using REST API
- Manage DNS Cache records using REST API
- Improve DNS Cache records management
- Restrict Artica login page by geolocation
- SSH brute-force remediation
- Possibilty to include Toulouse University blacklists
- New statistics for the number of connected members to the Proxy service
- New Artica Milter object ACLs Artica Deny reputation
- REST API in order to Check if all Proxy Listen ports are available
- New Artica Milter object ACLs URLs expression
- New Artica Milter object ACLs Active Directory recipients
- New Artica Milter object ACLs Active Directory sender
- New Artica Milter object ACLs Attachments
- automatic postrouting NAT when using VPN client
- Possibility to tune Ciphers for the SMTP daemon in Artica SMTP Edition
- Possibility to enable the upgrade Artica with Hotfixes in developement mode
- AutoBackup feature for the Artica Reverse-Proxy edition
- ACLs method in the Artica Milter filter for Artica SMTP Edition
- API REST for DNS system settings
- Possibility to query the Proxy Parents status via API REST
- Possibility to query the proxy NTLM connection status via API REST
- Possibility to monitor Proxy File Descriptors status via API REST
- Possibility to disable Artica to manage OpenSSH service configuration
- Possibility to search proxy realtime events by time slot.
- Privileges by Web Sites on reverse-proxy
- WebDav Access on a reverse-proxy HTML Site rule
- Option to change the "myorigin" on the Artica SMTP Appliance
- Possibility to enable/disable recursive LDAP search for the IT Charter with Active Directory filter
- Possibility to tune the PHP engine for the Web console
- Possibility to whitelist Web application Firewall rules according to targeted applications
- Stopping function take care about ghost processes in HaCluster
- Review the reverse-proxy rewrite rules
- Review the reverse-proxy default server in websites rules
- Possibility to create a reverse-proxy website default block rule
- Possibility to block uploaded files based on their file type on Artica for Reverse-Proxy
- Possibility to scan for viruses uploaded data with Artica for Reverse-proxy
- Default removal headers rules on the Artica for Reverse-Proxy.
- Possibility to recover a corrupted certificates center database
- Possibility to ban clients based on Client Certificate in Artica reverse-proxy
- Notification to restart reverse-proxy service when a new website is created
- Possibility to cache reversed websites directly in a in-memory cache
- Possibility to turn a reverse-proxy website into maintenance mode
- Increase DNS cache performance according the version 1.18.0
- better search on CrowdSec current blocked IP list.
- PageSpeed caches in monitor system cache on Artica reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to monitor system cache on Artica reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to disable totally the Web Application Firewall for a defined path in Artica Reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to define mass Urls redirects in Artica Reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to deny URLs in Artica Reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to set Permissions Policy headers in Artica Reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to filter access by countries in the Artica Reverse-Proxy service
- Possibility to enforce the SMTP Submission port in Artica SMTP gateway.
- Possibility to log Client Certificats CommonName inside real-time events
- Possibility to force direct mode for Office 365 sites in the Proxy.PAC service
- New v2 for generating Let's Encrypt Certificates
- Get Information of public IP addresses that connects to the reverse-proxy system.
- Notice to install PostgreSQL on DHCP service section if it is not installed
- Possibility to check client certificate only for specified path in the reverse-proxy.
- Possibility to import a server certificate for Client-side certification verify
- When Artica Firewall is active, it takes care about interfaces and ports of the reverse-proxy and create necessaries allow rules
- Change the Web design on the Certificates Center.
- Certificate validation before saving Artica Web console interface settings
- Graphs and charts each hour for reverse-proxy Web application firewall
- sub-certificates support in Artica SMTP feature
- SMTP(s) Protocol support in the Artica SMTP gateway for the TLS feature
- Parsing Reverse-Proxy Web Application Firewall events and reports are now made in real-time
- Managing the php engine and the Web Console using Web API daemon that able to recover Web console is PHP engine is crashed.
- possibility to generate a Self-Signed certificate using Web-API
- Enforce redirects option for ADFS support in reverse-proxy feature
- metrics per web service in the Reverse-Proxy feature
- ADFS support in reverse-proxy feature
- new DNS Firewall rule “Active Directory Offloading”
- Possibility to change the domain to test inside the failover service
- better back-ends status in HaCluster backends status section.
- option to disable curl test on Fail-Over method
- option to enable recursive search on Hotspot
- option to deny members authentication on Hotspot
- integration with Active Directory Agent
- support for recursive search
- If only the register by email method is defined, the HotSpot web page redirects automatically to the redirect page.
- a search engine in the HotSpot vouchers section and enhancements for a more robust code in the Vouchers section.
- possibility to turn the Proxy-PAC web service service into SSL method.
- possibility to set Denied Active Directory groups in the HotSpot system.
- automatic watchdog incident when the proxy watchdog need to restart service.
- some DNS setting in the cluster replication package
- possibility to import global proxy blacklist from a text file and replace the full content
- Possibility to add categories by family ( non-productive, dangerous.. ) in ACLs and Web-filtering
- Possibility to remove all added categories in ACLs and Web-filtering.
- Possibility to export Proxy blacklists into CSV mode.
- Possibility to route domain's prefix dynamically in the reverse-proxy section
- Possibility to redirect connections to a defined URL in proxy acls.
- Possibility to update Artica using Unix console or by command-line
- Possibility to import all web-filtering categories inside a web-filtering rule or ACL.
- A limit of 50,000 records when compiling personal categories in the Web-filter daemon.
- new domain checker inside proxy service real-time monitor
- Unable to configure Proxy Authentication method using a remote ldap server
- Bad rules compilation in proxy Headers ACLs
- The API REST did not detects the presence of the Web Application Firewall library for the Reverse-Proxy
- Unable to set a server certificate from certificate center for the Web console
- CIS compliance 1.5.2_bootloader_password
- CIS compliance 1.1.21_sticky_bit_world_w
- CIS compliance 1.6.4_restrict_core_dumps
- Proxy.PAC service sometimes read rules in a random way
- CIS compliance 5.6_restrict_su
- CIS compliance
- CIS compliance
- CIS compliance
- CIS compliance
- CIS compliance
- Default Artica Firewall rule overrides network card-specific rules
- Threats from the Integrated Proxy antivirus are not displayed
- LDAP SSL issues on Debian 12
- Action “Rebuild full configuration” on the Proxy service destroy the Active Directory keytab
- Enter/exit into emergency mode did not restore the full proxy configuration
- Unable to start OpenVPN server on Debian 12 system
- Web error page always use the error page rule that have no filter.
- Missing libpython3.7 python3-memcache to make the RDS Proxy AuthHook running on Debian 10
- Unable to scan the legal log repository when the repository is a symbolic link
- Installing Active Directory feature stuck at 50% on Debian 12
- unable to set Proxy Reply Access acls using Debian 12
- unable to make the Local DNS Cache running.
- Unable to see more information here list using Debian 12
- Unable to install Proxy eCAP antivirus on Debian 12
- Web console crash on license section
- Unable to generate SSL certificate clients on Reverse-Proxy.
- Web page console crash on Debian 12 when viewing HaCluster backends and Web-filtering time slots
- Corrupted formatted proxy events to LogSink.
- LogSink did not open UDP port correctly
- Some malformatted Policies Zones make the local DNS cache service unavailable.
- PostgreSQL table modsecurity_linked_tags increase dramatically when using Web Application Firewall
- Improve performance of the Local DNS Cache Service.
- Cannot define correctly a subdirectory for backup snapshots
- Unable to set a static HTML reverse Proxy website
- Sometimes Proxy service lost max file descriptors value and return back to 4096
- Unable to assign Active Directory privileges when there are quotes “'” in Active Directory group name
- Artica did not renew correctly the Active Directory Kerberos certificate
- Review the DNS Firewall GeoIP rule
- Unable to upload ther kerberos Keytab in HaCluster server
- Unable to restore a snapshot
- License corrupted and deleted if license check is performed at startup.
- CVE-2024-2054
- Wrong permissions on the Postfix binaries
- Unable to set the download/update rate in the Reverse-proxy service
- Unable to set the max connections by IP in the Reverse-proxy service
- unable to access to Unix console parameters trough the Artica Web Console parameters section.
- Hostname is truncated after the installation wizard.
- Unable to start PHP Web console when using VPN client
- 502 Bad Gateway on the Artica Web console
- postmaster address is not changed
- Proxy HotSpot custom form is not displayed on the HotSpot Page
- missing privileges working necessaries directories on the Web application Firewall for building reports
- Undefined function Tips_paragraph that turn looping some queries on the Web console
- Increase security levels reported by the ANSSI DAT-NT28 Average intermediate level 45
- Artica did not kill correctly php-fpm ghost processes
- Missing lock for privileges for Proxy Monitor on the proxy acl categories object
- Wrong descriptions in the system tasks table.
- Reverse-proxy real-time logs are now splitted by web service name in order to avoid timeouts in the web interface
- Missing lock privileges for Proxy Monitor
- Unable to install and configure the DHCP Relay service
- Self-Signed certificate generation did not create CA capability for Proxy service with SSL decryption feature.
- Computer TOP menu, stuck
- Error table constraint on creating a new port on the reverse-proxy
- Unable to save some OpenSSH parameters.
- Issue when creating an ADFS reverse Proxy.
- Unable to create a Certificate Request using Certificate center.
- python dependecy for the RDS proxy service
- SMTP routing per destination addresses using TLS.
- Sometimes, after rebooting, the Web console lost new saved parameters
- issues on the RDS proxy service authenticator
- issues on ITCharter feature when using FireFox
- typo that cause a fatal error on the Active Directory NTLM watchdog
- Unknown parameter encountered: "client use kerberos" in the Proxy NTLM feature
- creation of /var/log/samba folder during the startup
- Multiple CPUs section and Filedescriptors section turn to red status.
- Artica is unable to run PHP-FPM for the Web Console that generates a 502 bad gateway on the Interface
- bug 412: Artica SMTP gateway is not compatible with sub-certificates generated in the Certificates Center
- Bungled proxy configuration when using Multiple Active Directory Groups object type and Active Directory is inactive.
- Bungled proxy configuration on TCP/IP address typing error with 2 dots eg (192.168.1..0/24 instead of )
- Some databases are not correctly patched after an upgrade from 4.30x to 450x
- Access ACLs group of rules status is always seen as "inactive"
- System overloaded after FUSER_MGR(); alert ( improve the test ports function )
- /var/log/charon.log is not cleaned by Artica.
- Bug 387 - Too many events in proxy cache.log caused by the eCAP Clamav when surfing on HTTPS sites ( see more information here )
- No such column rulevalue in DNS Firewall rule section.
- Unable to build Postfix configuration according to a fatal error ( a function postconf() not exist)
- Load-balancing service and haCluster service stuck caused by a system open files limitation.
- Too limited Open files for DNS Firewall.
- Unable to correctly update Filtering daemon service. ( see more information here )
- the Update section page stuck when there is no versioning information ( see more information here )
- Filtering service in left menu was hidden.
- typo in Fail-Over configuration
- unable to change the register button text in the HotSpot configuration
- Ticketing and possibility to release a denied blocked page with the Web error page service did not show the button when there is no filter in rule
- reflect some rules equation in web error page service
- sometimes, the user information is not saved in Web error page ticket system
- unblock websites from ticket page did not send correctly information
- Invalid ACL: acl UfdbgUnblock3 proxy_auth xxx when there is no authentication enabled on proxy service
- Issues on accents on the HotSpot Skins features and ability to change the title of “Terms & Conditions”
- Unable to save the “No Cache” option inside Transparent Proxy ports section.
- Synchronize time with the NTP client uninstall the feature.
- Some encoding characters issues in HotSpot skin section
- Access log for reverse proxy did not log correctly hostname when using dynamic domains routing feature.
- Typo code on the IDS service main script.
- Unable to create an LDAP user
- loop on reverse-proxy main sites table
- accents are corrupted in the web-error page.
- to create multiple IPV6 addresses for a single network interface
- php yaml dependecy for failover service
- Squid 6.x from repository - too many unstable features.
- Construction:Client Certificates, Web Application Firewall - do not update if you using this feature until a new hotfix release these features
- Procedure to generate a Self-signed certificate
- Real-time connections as been totally modified in order to accept huge data.
- 500,000 records in personal categories with the go-shield.